Collection: Razorock
The RazoRock story began on an Italian holiday in 2009. Joseph’s father-in-law, a retired Italian Barber, asked Joseph to find and bring back some alum stones. Alum stones at the time were rugged to find locally in North America, and his father-in-law couldn’t shave without one! Joseph enlisted his uncle Michael on the hunt, and Michael finally found a bunch of alum stones in a small shop in Lucca, Tuscany. Michael and Joseph were curious about these salty-looking stones, so they tried them. They wet and rubbed them on their faces after a shave, and guess what? They worked! The stones sealed minor nicks, toned the skin and helped to knock out any post-shave irritation…an idea and a business were instantly born!
The business started as a hobby and a pastime, but as they dove head first into traditional wet shaving, they quickly realized how luxurious and fulfilling this lost art of shaving could be. Michael and Joseph began contacting artisan producers of shaving soaps and aftershaves in Italy and contracting them to make unique formulations just for them under the RazoRock brand. Passion took over, and with the support of some very early and loyal clients, a hobby was transformed into a real business! Today, RazoRock has an entire line of wet shaving products, including special recipe Italian shaving soaps, artisan-made pre-shaves and aftershaves, shaving brushes, traditional safety razors, a great selection of natural deodorants and a lot more. RazoRock is a grassroots business, and Joseph and Michael have their clients to thank for their growth. The power of the internet and direct distribution, combined with word-of-mouth referrals from clients, makes it possible for Joseph and Michael to continue pouring their passion for Italy and Italian-inspired products into every RazoRock product!